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Sundeck Snowman Competition 2024 Result
At our end of season staff dinner everyone cast their votes on the twenty-one snowman entries last night. The scores of top 6 were so close!!
The champion snowman is….
Entry No. 16 “Hamish Takes A Spill!” (Score 74.5 points) by Marion! Congratulations!! She has won a weekend for 2 people next season.

2nd place: Entry No. 15 “Natalia’s Snow Mermaid” (Score 72 points) by Natalia and Zuzanna.

3rd place: Entry No.17 “Snowtorious B.I.G.-loo” (Score 70.5 points) by Laura.

4th place: Entry No. 3 “Cliff’s Chook” (Score 70 points) by Jesse.

5th place: Entry No.14 “Mr Snowman” (Score 69 points) by the Shepheard Family.

6th place: Entry No.13 “Eiffel Tower” (Score 68 points) by Peter and Charise.

Congratulations to all! And thank you for all the entries!!
We hope many people enjoyed this event.
See you next season!!